We would love to hear from you about how we can help with your garden design or landscaping project. To book an initial design consultation or discuss a landscaping project please drop us an email, give us a call or use the contact form below.

Gardens are really important to a home, they are an extension of your living space, they will effect your way of living and even your personal wellbeing. They are most of all important to wildlife and the wider environment, a subject I am really passionate about.
A garden should be your sanctuary and a place that makes you feel happy from the inside out that is functional but also beautiful. A good garden design will stimulate your senses and create emotional responses like a great piece of music can in its rhythm, pace and structure. It does this through good design, choice of materials and most of all planting, add nature and wildlife into the mix, the birds, bees and butterflies and there is nothing greater in the world.
If a garden has been designed to take into account your needs and wishes, consideration given to the best possible design for the space available whilst inspiring you, connecting you to the landscape surrounding and nodding to the architecture local to you, it will enhance your life and add financial value to your home.
A great, well designed garden will change your life.